
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Warning Don’t Even Think Of Not Reading What I Have To Offer DON’T! This Offer Walk By! It’s a Once Offer That Will Be Sold By The First Chance One Time Only….

Dear Buyer,
Have you ever thought about buying a car but not sure what to buy which brand? How Old? How New? What Colour? Not having to worry about being SOLD Buy a used car saleman as you know everyone likes them! Not Sure Whether It’s the right Price? Cant choose between a car and a computer t buy or A set Of Golf Clubs or a Good Weekend Away Which I know you deserve all of these things have you ever Watched Those TV Shows Like A current Affair and Today Tonight And Think theres so much I need to know about buying a car and having TV Shows like that saying not to buy this, Don’t buy that colour and Don’t pay this amount don’t this don’t that!

I stopped watching those shows a while back tell you the truth I was sick to death of the Negativity But that’s another story, For another day back to buying a car WHAT IF I could Take All That pain and worry out of buying a car and make it a very simple process so much so, that if you had the money you would buy a car every day as it would be such a fun process in the making. Ill tell you something if you ll let me? Tell me you said well ok if I could give you the biggest bargain that you would off ever come across would you take the action towards buying that bargain what im about to tell you will SURPRISE YOU A LOT you ll go away asking questions like why would someone in there right mind do that, or what else can I buy frm this guy or its to good to be True ill tell you some thing ITS TRUE YOUR ABOUT TO FIND OUT WHAT IT IS

(PS) This IS NO BS story or its to good to be true its Very True call me! my number is on the bottom of this page ask anything you want after reading this letter!

What I am about to tell you Will Shock you Take a seat or sit down….

Are you ready? Ok I ve build it up this had better be worth it that is whats going through your head at the moment I know ok so here we go

With this car you will also receive

( I Hope your ready )

§ A spare Bonnet and a front bar this will have to be fitted to the car
§ A Full Body kit Valued At $600 also have to be fitted to the car
§ A Set Of Golf Clubs Valued At $199
§ A MP3 Player Sony 1 GB NEW Valued At $199 comes with armband to carry running a calorie counter distance traveled counter it also changes from slow music when walking to fast music when running ( how smart is that)
§ A New Mobile Phone Valued At $99 Free Brand New straight from the shop!
§ A Laptop Computer Valued At $800 Dollars Used computer with DVD Burner! Free when you buy this Car!!!!! ill even throw in a carry case ! for it
§ A spare pair of springs for the car
§ It will also come Detailed fully inside and out
§ And a full tank of fuel!

You must be thinking This guy is CRAZY not all there or been drunk when righting this letter…..
NO There is Nothing wrong with this car !!
NO what makes me happy is seeing people get value from a product and that’s what I what to deliver to you ( THE GOODS ARE NOT STOLEN) IF THAT’S WHAT YOU WHERE THINKING AND SOME OF YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN THINKING THAT SAME THING
That’s my word every thing listed here will come with this Car once bought and funds have been transferred
BE WARNED other people are going to see this offer before you do be quick
Don’t delay another day if this is the right offer for you which I know it is, take action call today for a drive. Call Today 0405187134 call now

This offer wont be around again for years to come if any I haven’t come across such a deal before
P.P.S IT IS NOT BS. This is a once off offer that will not come in a hurry!